Photo of Solimán López Spain

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Burgos 1981, lives and lives in Córdoba (Spain)

Individual exposures / interventions:

2008 "From the drunk to...

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Burgos 1981, lives and lives in Córdoba (Spain)

Individual exposures / interventions:

2008 "From the drunk to the experience" Space Arojo, Córdoba.

"The game of art," Okuparte08, Old Seminary, Huesca. Ca- talogue.

"Gently dissolves me, Scarpia08, Train Station, El Carpio pre "> Cordova. Catalogue.

"Epigea" Noche Blanca del Flamenco, Plaza de Colón, Córdoba.

"Plaza packaged" First Anniversary Arojo space. Gutter Plaza de Colón, Córdoba.

"The red dot, performance." Arojo space. Go to minister DMA Foreign Affairs Moratinos.

"Worldwide cube" Dwellings, Eutopía08, Córdoba.

0px "> I + D + N. Photography Biennial of Cordoba.

2007 "Live fast" X Photography Biennial of Cordoba, Sojo Centre. Catalog.

"On - in - back - front - in the identity." Exhibition hall tions Caja Sur, Gran Capitán, 13 Cordoba. Catalog.

"Suleiman López. Contemporary Art. " Chamber Ayun Exhibitions Pozoblanco treatment, Córdoba.

2006 "Suleiman López, des-in-training." Sala Aires, Córdoba. Catalogs go.

"Suleiman López, Displays contemporary art" University of Philosophy and Lyrics, Córdoba.

"Suleiman Lopez. Hotel Conquistador Eurostars Hotels, Cordoba- ba.

"Suleiman López, Past." Historical Museum of Ecija, Sevilla.


2005 "II International Workshop of contemporary art." Exposure Board tions Posada del Potro, Cordoba. Catalog.

Artists for Cultural Capital "in" Sala Aires "(Córdoba). pre "> Catalog.

2006 "Creators" in Trenque Lauquen (Buenos Aires, Argentina). Ca- talogue.

"Creators" (Dominican Republic, Espacio Amicus). Catalog.

"Changing CLIMART (exhibition room Judah Levi Board Andalucía, Córdoba) Catalog.

pre ">" Global Art Meeting in Barcelona. Galeriazero, Barcelona.

"Summer Salon", Museum of the Americas, Houston, Texas (USA).

Eutopia 06, (local artists), Sojo Center, Córdoba. Catalog.

"Mostra d'Art" Gallery Torantos. Barcelona.

"Holland Art Fair." Pablo Ruiz Gallery. The Hague (Netherlands).

"Open Art" 2006, Museum of History, Zaragoza. Catalog.

2007 "Arteria Young 07" (national guest artist), Monzón (Huesca). Catalog.

"Artery 07," International Contemporary Art Fair, Monsoon (Huesca).

"After him. Opening Arojo space. " Together Daniel Palacios, Córdoba.

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2008 "Miscellany" Judah Levi exhibition room, Junta de Andalucía, Córdoba. Catalog.

"The White" space Arojo, Córdoba. Catalog.

"Tribute to the Dolmen de Dalí", Mint Museum, Ma- Madrid. Catalog.

"Intervention" Periferías08, Huesca. October 2008

0px "> "I + D + N" Photography Biennial of Cordoba. Gongora room.

Other activities:

- Address space for contemporary art, a_rojo space within the project Suleyman C & C, Communication and Contemporary Art.

- Art Direction fashion Angradema López.

- Coordination Entrepreneurs 2006, Junta de Andalucía (Eutopia 06).

- Adaptation artistic installations of Andalusia (CADE) for Entrepreneurs Conference 2006. Córdoba.

- Art Direction "Epigea" Noche Blanca del Flamenco, Córdoba.

- Taught classes Córdoba University. Area art history, music and archeology.

- Address Dwellings for Eutopía08, Córdoba. Guest artists and Rafael Caballano Ximo Lizana.

- Jury Prize Espaliú Pepe (Junta de Andalucía), 2008.

margin: 0px "> Collections:

- Cultural Association Aires de Cordoba.

- Human Communications, Madrid.

- Museum of fine arts in Trenque Lauquen (Buenos Aires, Argentina).

- "Piag Museum of Miami (USA)

- CADE (Center for Business Development Support), Junta de Andalucía.

- Museo de las Americas, Houston, Texas.

- Eurostars Hotels.

- Fundación Caja Sur.

Specific publications:

2006 "100 intimate spaces for contemporary art," Cordova City Council.

2007 pre ">" International Dictionary of Art and Literature ", Francisco Arroyo Ceballos.


Training, scholarships and awards:

2003 "Masks, arts occlusion, by the Rafael Boti.

2004 "VII Encuentro Literary, Film and Literature", 2004 by the Diputación de Córdoba.

"Arts at the time," Fundación Rafael Boti.

"Architecture of Regionalism", 2004, University of Córdoba.

2005 Ldo. Art History. Cordoba University.

II International Art Workshops Conteporáneo, Córdoba.

2006 First prize in the Cultural Association Symposium dogs. Montilla.

"Open Art" Zaragoza 2006, Contemporary Art Workshop, Zaragoza City Council.

Master and Communication Arts, Visual Arts Institute, Jerez de la Frontera.

2007 Art Selection Periscope, Poland.

2008 Scholarship Iniciarte, Transversal project.

Foundation Grant Botí production work, Córdoba.

Grant City Cultural Department Córdoba.

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